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How Your Values Shape Your Life

Crazy People – How Your Values Shape Your Life

VidaGoals – Goal Setting for a Fulfilled Life
VidaGoals – Goal Setting for a Fulfilled Life
Crazy People – How Your Values Shape Your Life

In this episode we tell you a story to explain how important your values are and how they can shape your life.

Find the corresponding blog post at

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new year's resolution

New Year’s Resolutions – Why They Fail and What to Do Instead

VidaGoals – Goal Setting for a Fulfilled Life
VidaGoals – Goal Setting for a Fulfilled Life
New Year’s Resolutions – Why They Fail and What to Do Instead

The new year ist already a few days old and this is the time to reflect and to make new year’s resolution. What are your goals for the New Year? Maybe you remember your last year’s resolutions or the ones before or… What can you do differently this year in order to finally reach your goals?

You can find the corresponding blog article here:

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